Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mardi Gras 2009

Hello everyone!
So the past month has been still very very busy! For starters, I began my psychology internship in the research lab here at Tulane. It has been really fun and I am learning a lot. It is so nice to be able to see what you learn be put into practice. I am going to try and start my honors thesis soon and will potentially get to do my own research.

Valentines Day was a couple of weeks ago! For Valentines Day this year, my sorority sisters and I decorated cards and cookies for the elderly people at the Lambeth House. An assited living home near campus. We do it every year and they really seem to appreciate it! I also got to go out to dinner with my boyfriend to this resturante in uptown called Upperline. I had never been before and it was really delicious! There are so many good resturantes in New Orleans it is hard to go wrong!

As well as school being busy we just finished up with Mardi Gras! It was so great! I got to go to about 5 parades and even saw Val Kilmer! He was the King of Muses, which is the name of one of the parades. For me, being a Tulane student makes me think I am a pseudo-local so I never do any of the touristy things. This is my 3rd Mardi Gras and I have not once been down to Burbon street during any of the parades! They all run uptown anyway, so there is really no need to go downtown. It gets insanely crowded too. Mardi Gras was very successful this year and they had about 80,000 visitors in for the weekend!
Those are almost back up to Pre-Katrina numbers so the board of tourism was very happy. It is always great to see people coming back to the city. Alot of people have no idea how great New Orleans is and how it is basically the same as it was Pre-Katrina. I had never been before the storm so I don't have much to compare it to, but nothing looks run down to me!

For Mardi Gras, many students like to dress up in funny outfits to celebrate the occasion! This year I made myself a sweatshirt that said Mardi Gras 09 on it! I got many compliments however it wasn't really warm enough so on the last day I had to wear my fleece over it. =( My fleece is purple however so it is still in the right color scheme!

Ok thats all I have for now! I will post again soon! HAPPY MARDI GRAS!
