Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to New Orleans... Off to Maine!

Hey all!
Its now the third week of school and it is flying by! I feel like just yesterday I was moving in to Sharp and starting my freshman year. These first three weeks have been extremely hectic! My sorority has had a couple fun events, 2 mixers with other fraternities and a sister only. A sister only is exactly what it sounds like, an event just for the sorority sisters where we get to spend time together. It was great to see all the girls after the summer. It is very weird though with all of the Juniors gone abroad. I miss all of those girls, but know they are going to love their time abroad just like I did.

Only 2 weeks into school I flew to Portland, ME to surprise my best friend Brook for her birthday! She goes to Colby College in Waterville, ME. Her birthday was September 4th so I left New Orleans at 6AM to get there at around noon! She was moving into her house and I just walked into the house. SHE WAS SHOCKED! I went to give her a hug and she just stood there shaking. It was a great surprise. Visiting Colby was really fun. It is interesting how best friends can go to two such different schools and love their schools just as much. Colby is less than 2000, in a very cold climate and in MUCH smaller city than New Orleans. It is definetly a differnet college experience than going to Tulane, but she and her friends love it just the same. It just goes to show you that picking your University is a totally personal experience. Just because others love a school, doesn't mean that it is for you. You have to really experience it for youself. I think when you know, you just know. Although I am from Connecticut, it was my first time in Maine and it really was nice. After spending my entire summer in New Orleans, Maine felt very cold to me! haha The girls were all making fun of me when I walking around the house in my sweats.

My classes are all really good. I am taking two film classes (Film Analysis and French Cinema). I have two screenings a week. I feel like I am watching more movies this semester than ever in my life! We have watched The Royal Tenebaums, The Wizard of Oz and North by Northwest in my Film Analysis class and two lesser known French films called Napoleon and The Vampiers in French Cinema. I also am taking a class called Communication, Culture and Body, with a subtitle of Feminism, Science Fiction and New Technologies. It is a really cool class and I am getting exposure to the genre of Science Fiction, which is something I am not particulary familiar with. Very interesting stuff!

Ok I am off to go to bed. I am taking a 3 hour GRE course tomorrow that is offered through the Newcomb Institute. It was only $20! I am excited for it because that means that that is 3 less hours that I have to study math on my own! If you don't know, the Newcomb Institute does programing for women at Tulane. Tulane used to be Tulane University for men and Newcomb College for women. The two are completely combined now and we all attend the Newcomb-Tulane Undergraduate College, but to keep the spirit alive and to recognize the donor Sophie Newcomb, they still put on massive amounts of programming for women. Although I am not as involved as I should be, they do a great job of providing resourses as well as great leadership opportunities for women.

Ok enjoy your weekend!