Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And Classes are OVER!!

So I had my final class today... and it didn't feel like my last class at all. We had our final lecture on hormones in brain and behavior and Professor Wee thanked us for a great semester and I walked out. It should have felt a lot different but oddly it didn't. As I walked back to my house I thought about how fast my 4 years had gone. I remember my last class in High School, jumping for joy (literally) as I RAN out of the building. Being SO excited to head off to college in just a short 2 months. Now that I am graduating from college I in no way have the say feeling. I am excited to move to the next chapter in my life, but I wouldn't mind an extra year or two in college.

Now that classes are over its time for my friends and I to celebrate the time we have left together! We planned a bunch of fun things like a senior pool party at our sorority advisers home which was a great afternoon break. We also planned a senior pub crawl. We took the St. Charles street car to some of our favorite bars. It was a really great last experience for us. We decided to do it "golf" themed because we all love a good theme.

After the pub crawl, we all went to Bruff (the campus dining hall) one last time. We all loved it as much as Freshman year. It was such a surreal experience to be in there all together. Because it was my last time I had to get a little bit of everything, a grilled cheese, the salad bar, some frozen yogurt, the pasta.... I know I know, a little excessive, but hey it was our last horrah!

Over the next week we will do a bunch of other fun stuff (and also study for finals.) I am lucky in that I only have 2 finals. I have also been very thoroughly preparing for my Honors Thesis Defense. It is in just a few days. I am really excited for the experience because it will give me the chance to talk about all of my hard work that I have been doing over the last year. Wish me luck!