Monday, January 5, 2009

Back at School!

Hi All!
I just arrived back to New Orleans yesterday. I drove my car down with my mom all the way from Connecticut and it took us 3 days! We stopped overnight in Tennessee, Alabama and then finally made it down to New Orleans. We stayed with one of my mom's friends in Alabama which was nice.

Its great to be back! It seems so weird that I have been gone for 8 months! Not much has changed. The bubble is gone I hear but I haven't seen it yet. I have been spending all of my time driving back and forth from Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and Wal-Mart getting everything I need for my new house! This is my first year living off campus and 3 of my friends and I are moving into a beautiful house on Calhoun St, which is one over from McAlister (which is the main road that runs through campus), so it is really close. I can actually walked about 100 feet and enter the gate directly behind Monroe (freshman dorm).

Since I was gone all last semester, I thought it would be too costly to store alot of stuff so I ended up giving alot of it away, which meant that when I got here I had to go buy all new stuff! But it really hasn't been that bad and with all those superstores so close it is easy to find everything you need.

I can't wait until all the students get down to school. New Orleans is awesome all the time, but it just gets that much better when all the students are here. PLUS I am going to get to see a bunch of my friends who I haven't seen in a very long time! Everyone will start arriving in the next few days so I am super excited about that.

Tonight I am going to go to a japanese Resturante about a mile from Campus called Hana. It is one of my favorites in the area and I have been missing this noodle salad that they make SO badly while I have been gone and I can't wait to eat it. Food is one of the things I have missed most about New Orleans so I can't wait to start going back to all of my favorite places over the next few weeks!

Ok time for dinner! When my room is all set up I will take some pictures of it and my house to show you!

Talk to you soon! Its great to be back!

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