Friday, May 29, 2009

Off to Brazil!

Hi All!
I am sitting currently in the Atlanta International Airport waiting for my flight to Brazil! It doesn't leave for 3 hours so I am just hanging out and decided to post!

Wednesday was my 21st Birthday! I went into NYC with a bunch of my friends and we went to a Sushi restaurant and did Karaoke! It was so much fun. It was a great mix of my Tulane and Home friends. My brother just recently moved into NY so we stayed at his apartment and then walked around the city the next day. My best friend Sarah, who now lives in Florida flew in for my birthday. It was great to see her because I haven't seen her in 3 years!

I am very excited to get to Brazil. I am a little nervous because I don't know what to expect! From what I have heard from people who have done this Tulane program in the past, you have class in the hotel for 3-4 hours a day, and then you get to explore the city! I brought my fancy camera that I got as a gift when I went abroad to Australia so hopefully I will take some great pictures that I can post for you!

I'm off! Maybe I'll come back with some Portuguese!


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