Saturday, November 21, 2009


Hey everyone!
Halloween this year was a blast. At Tulane, Halloween is not just one day, but extends for the length of the weekend that is closest to its date. So this year, since Halloween fell on a Saturday, it started the Thursday before. Often people have a different costume for each night that they go out, so this year I had 2 costumes. I dressed a a pixie stick with my roomates Friday night and as Modern art Saturday night.
Friday night my roomates and I had a Halloween party at our house. We decided that we should all dress alike as a theme. After contemplating tons of ideas, we somehow found our selves roaming the isles at Walmart for inspiration. At this point I am not really sure how it got to this, but we decided to be different colored Pixie sticks - you know the large sticks of colored sugar that we all love? We bought bright colored outfits and decided to spray paint out hair to match our outfits. In the end, we ended up looking like characters from Dr. Seuss Books, but hey everyone liked it.

On Saturday night, I dressed as a piece of modern art. I wore a skin colored outfit and had my roomates splatter paint on me like i was a canvas. When I came up with the idea, i didn't think about the drying process, ha. I stood in my room with a hairdryer to my body for about a half hour before I could leave the house. The night was tons of fun anyway. We went to a couple more Halloween parties in the area, and then most people head downtown to Frenchman street. The costumes you see down there are like nothing you have ever seen before.

Hope you had a great Halloween!

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