Saturday, November 28, 2009

Taking Tests and Building Houses

After the fun of Halloween, it was time to get down to business! The following weekend was extremely busy. I had to take the the GRE psychology subject test, do Habitat for Humanity and then had a sorority date party!

The GRE test was not so fun, but not as bad as I had expected. It was however the longest multiple choice test I have ever taken - 240 questions! I took it at the University of New Orleans. I sat in a room with about 30 other pople who were all taking different exams, from Psychology to Math to Physics. Unline the standard GRE, the subject tests are only offered about 4 times a year. Most of the PhD programs that I am going to apply to require the GRE subject test, but not all PhD or masters programs require them. I haven't gotten my scores back yet but hopefully they are high enough to not have to take it again!

Right after taking the test, I drove to the Ninth Ward where my sorority sisters were building a house with Habitat for Humanity. I was a little late obviously because I was taking the test, but late is better than never! As a senior class, we decided to do Habitat. All of us felt that since we have lived here for almost 4 years now, that it was more than time for us to do our part in building a house. We were there until about 3 PM and we finished 3/4 of the siding on the entire house! It was a really great experience. Especially when other locals families would walk by and say thank you and tell us how greatful they were for what we were doing. I think my dad would be very proud of all of the construction work I was doing! Who knew I knew how to put up siding!

After the long day of building, I came home and took a quick nap before getting ready to go to my date party! A date party is a social event that we have where each girl gets to bring a date for a night out. It was definety a great time.

Ok, talk to you soon!

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