Saturday, June 5, 2010

The End of an Era

It is June 5th and I am home. Well actually, in Waitsfield, VT at my families ski house in VT. As it is summer, there is no skiing but it is still nice to come up for a weekend and enjoy the scenery.

So as you already may know, I GRADUATED! May 15th, 2010 was the last official day of my Tulane Career. It was an awesome day. We starting it off in a celebratory manner with one mimosa before the celebration. It's quite early yes, with us needing to be at the Superdome by 8 AM, but hey it was out last day as college students so you pull out all the stops.

It's sort of a Tulane Tradition for those students who are crazy enough to get up at that hour. I luckily was one of them. We then all headed to the dome to grab out name tags and get in line. Luckily, Tulane lets students sit whenever they would like within their undergraduate college, so I got to sit with all my fellow science and engineering friends. The first part of the ceremony was amazing. Anderson Cooper was hysterical! A totally memorable graduation speaker. Whenever I tell people about it they are always so jealous. We also had the owner of the Saints present and they showed an homage video. It was actually the only part of the ceremony where I cried, ha. The Saints really get under your skin. After all of the speeches were over, Tulane beach balls rained from the sky and fireworks were set off from the stage! It was a great feeling. They also passed out Tulane decorated umbrellas and I was lucky enough to snag one!

After a short break, we were then called one by one up on to the stage. I am proud to say that due to all of my hard work I graduated Magna Cum Laude with Honors in Psychology. I was .02 away from Summa Cum Laude!!!!! Oh well... I'm still happy with what I achieved. After about an hour and a half of names, my roomates and I headed home where we had a catered brunch for my family at my house. It was a great time. That night my family went out to a beautiful dinner. I had my immediate family, my grandparents, a close family friend and my aunt and uncle in. One of my roomates Alison had 17 guests! We definitely had a full house.

I then spent the next week packing up my room and saying goodbye to my beloved city. It was a very surreal moment when I actually left my house, my room empty for the first time in a year and half. I shed a tear or two then.

What am I up to now that its over? I am home. Looking for jobs. I want to eventually go back to graduate school for my PhD in clinical psychology so in preparation for that I am trying to obtain a research position in the clinical psych field. If you know of anything let me know! Until then, I am just hanging around in Stamford, CT with my fingers crossed...

I know I'll be back to New Orleans soon though.... you just can't get it off of your mind.

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