Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jobs Jobs Jobs

So once you graduate college... the number one question you are asked... the most daunting question..."What are you doing now? For the past month I have been just telling people "Well, I am applying for a lot of jobs and just kinda waiting" Finally I have something to show for all of my work! I had a first round interview at UPenn in Philly for a research position. Its exactly what I've been looking for and would be such a great opportunity! The phone interview went well so I am heading to Philly next week to "meet the team". It's all very exciting until I think about the fact that I am living my last summer vacation EVER! I better take advantage of it right?

I have been spending lots of time at my lake house which is in South Salem, NY only 40 minutes away from my home in Stamford and have been going into the city (NYC) every so often. I actually went into the city to celebrate my birthday a few weeks ago! Just to prove how much we all miss New Orleans, My friends and I ended up at a place called "Bourbon Street" in NYC... we just can't get enough.

So since I am the youngest and now all the children have gone through college, my parents are planning on moving out of our house! They moved into my home 6 months before I as born so I have lived here my whole life. Although they love the Northeast, they are a little tired of the snowy winters so they are looking at homes in Charleston, SC, which is kind of ironic since that is only an hour and half away from where my boyfriend's family lives. They are heading down south next week to vacation and look at some houses. I move up north and they move down south! I visited Charleston recently when I was visiting my boyfriend in South Carolina and it is very beautiful. While we were out one night we met a group of girls who went to College of Charleston but were from Uptown New Orleans! What a small world...

Fingers crossed I get this job!


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